Dave — We’re all alone together.
Dave recently dropped his highly anticipated second album last week. I must admit I need two full plays to really feel the album but once I was hooked it’s been on repeat through the week and honestly the rest of the year.
Dave’s last album started off very personal from Psychodrama, to Lesley, to the environment. The personal touch and journey was clear. If you were going through something and needed someone else to vocalize those emotions, psychodrama was it. Now We’re alone in this together it’s still personal but with a holistic view. It’s the type of music that touched everyone but you still feel it personally. Like he says on the first track, “….we're all alone in this together you can trust me.”
Dave may not speak much but when he raps he says it’s all. His emotions travel through his words and capture hearts. From Jkly&Hyd to psychodrama and no we’re all alone together. His emotion always pulls through.
The features on this album are immaculate. Boj, Wizkid, Ghetts, Fredo, Giggs, and more. Those features are Mad. My favorite feature is Boj. Boj because he's getting the recognition he deserves and the song itself is amazing.
I heard you Dave about paying my uncle's rent. I'm gonna take you up on that.
Now on to my favorite songs; Law of Attraction, Both sides of a smile, and Survivor guilt.
Law of attraction is my favorite, simply because of how I feel. It's a tough life when one wears their heart on their sleeve. Majority of the time you want to yell “If it's real, say how you feel.” That line says everything and nothing all the same time.
Both sides of a smile show the true creative craft of creating music. The artistry in music.The story you want to tell, what you want to be heard, and how you want the world to hear it. The ultimate production of the song; the chorus, the lyrics, the feature picked just shows Daves mind as creative and how much he put in the creation of his music. Even with all of that, he didn't spare a drop of emotion. The level of artistry shown in that song makes me only respect Dave's creativity even more. He's more than a rapper, he's a producer musically and creatively.
Finally Survivor guilt. Once again giving us everything he thing he ever talked about, he talks about his emotions, the things in his environment, and his personal family life. Which is growth from Psychodrama. Psychodrama spoke all those elements but all individually on one song to create a full project. In this project he merges them, we get a taste of everything in each song. His love life, his family, money, growth, and the struggles of life at his stage.
All in all, I'm going to give this a 4.8/5 rate. The .2 drop is for another day, but once again Dave has done it again. Santan Dave has once again has outdone himself in his work. I think this album has officially made me a mega Dave fan.